Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Week Three

My third week of work is underway, and I am beginning to get the hang of things. I am learning the lay of the workshop and am becoming more comfortable with the routine. Most importantly, I am finally remembering to put the tea kettle on at 10:00 every morning. Nick drinks tea religiously and I (as the new guy I'm assuming) must see to it that kettle is put on. This was the first responsibility I was given and Nick sees to it that I don't forget it. He never ceases to remind me of the morning Tea Break with a witty remark such as: "Hey Kyle what letter comes after 'S' again?" or "Hey Kyle, have you ever played golf? what are the sticks you put the ball on called?".

I was able to finish the foliage of my first stone last week, but have a lot of work left.
Stone Number 1.
Close up of foliage

Foliage: Berries
 After completing the foliage of my first stone, I started my second one. These stones will be stacked on one another to create four decorative columns that surround the doorway of the Bowery Bank in New York City. Restoration work of this nature make up a lot of a stonecarvers work.

Drawing the Template for my second piece
Cut back the first level
Cut back the second level
I have now drilled holes and began carving foliage of the second stone.
 I should have this second stone's foliage done by the end of the week and can then move on to the figures. Michael(coworker) and Nick are already working on the figures and I should be able to follow their lead and do some of them myself.

I am currently workng on some ideas and drawings for a small sculpture of my own. In the process I have been looking at other stonework for inspiration. One sculptor who's work I admired is a young carver and fellow Guild member named Sebastian Martorana. Sebastian does some pretty interesting things with texture and subject matter in marble as well as other varities of stone. I thought he did a really interesting piece entitled "Ode to Ice Cream". Check out his site at.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! keep it up. I can't believe how great that foliage looks! Nice job...
